Electric Vehicles

EcoV Electric
EcoV Electric is a road-worthy commercial fleet vehicle for under $10,000. Our company EnVironmental Transportation Solutions develops and markets an urban based electric Low Speed Vehicle. After commercial validation and profitability, we will expand into the private use market. EcoV is a 25 mph street legal vehicle that is road-worthy with automotive ride, comfort, durability, and reliability offering a safe driving experience on all public roads 35 mph and slower. For 50 cents out of a standard wall outlet, you are recharged and ready to go another 25 to 40 miles day-in and day-out. EcoV is an electric vehicle and has no emissions, noise, odors, no trips to the gas station, no CO2 is released, no need for imported oil, and is virtually maintenance free. EcoV is available in three models, each with a 1000 pound payload; 4 and 6 passenger with flip down rear seat that converts into a utility vehicle and a pick-up truck.
We are a start-up company in Detroit, MI trying to raise capital to get started. Would you think it would be hard to raise money in "Motor City" for a new auto company? So far it has been nearly impossible. We are unlike other electric vehicle companies, we need only a modest investment, we breakeven on a mere 1,050 units, we have a realistic marketing plan that targets fleet customers who are hungry for EcoV, and we have an experienced management team that can put EcoV into production in 9 monhts. Key to our success is an established US world-class manufacturing partner who is ready to assemble EcoV in their plant in Detroit on a designated assembly line.
Would you be interested? EcoV will change the way transportation moves us!
Check us out at www.EcoVElectric.com